jurist$41927$ - tradução para Inglês
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jurist$41927$ - tradução para Inglês

Jurist Legal News & Research; Jurist.org; JURIST

n. Jurist
Doctor of Jurisprudence         
  • A Juris Doctor conferred by [[Columbia Law School]]. Columbia and Harvard were two of the last universities to adopt the JD, both making the change in 1969.
  • [[Joseph Story]], United States Supreme Court Justice, lecturer of law at Harvard and proponent of the "scientific study of law"
  • The [[Inns of Court]] of London served as a professional school for lawyers in England
  • [[Tapping Reeve]], founder of the first law school in North America, the [[Litchfield Law School]], in 1773
Juris doctorate; Juris Doctorate; Doctor of jurisprudence; Doctorate of jurisprudence; Juris doctor degree; Juris doctor; (J.D.); Executive Juris Doctor (degree); Doctor of Jurisprudence; Jurisdoctorate; Juris ductus; Jurist Doctor; (J D); Dr. juris; Dr.juris; Juris Doctor (Lawyer); Doctor Juris; J.D. degree; Executive Juris Doctor; J. D.; JD degree; Doctorate of Jurisprudence; Juris Doctor Degree; Doctor Juris Universi; Doctor juris; JD (degree)
Doktor für Rechtswissenschaft, akademischer Universitätstitel, Titel nach Beendigung des Rechtstudiums an einer Universität vergeben
Juris Doctor         
  • A Juris Doctor conferred by [[Columbia Law School]]. Columbia and Harvard were two of the last universities to adopt the JD, both making the change in 1969.
  • [[Joseph Story]], United States Supreme Court Justice, lecturer of law at Harvard and proponent of the "scientific study of law"
  • The [[Inns of Court]] of London served as a professional school for lawyers in England
  • [[Tapping Reeve]], founder of the first law school in North America, the [[Litchfield Law School]], in 1773
Juris doctorate; Juris Doctorate; Doctor of jurisprudence; Doctorate of jurisprudence; Juris doctor degree; Juris doctor; (J.D.); Executive Juris Doctor (degree); Doctor of Jurisprudence; Jurisdoctorate; Juris ductus; Jurist Doctor; (J D); Dr. juris; Dr.juris; Juris Doctor (Lawyer); Doctor Juris; J.D. degree; Executive Juris Doctor; J. D.; JD degree; Doctorate of Jurisprudence; Juris Doctor Degree; Doctor Juris Universi; Doctor juris; JD (degree)
Juris Doctor, akademischer Universitätstitel der nach erfolgreicher Vollendung des Jurastudium vergeben wird


¦ noun
1. an expert in law.
2. N. Amer. a lawyer or a judge.
juristic adjective
C15: from Fr. juriste, med. L. jurista, from jus, jur- 'law'.


Jurist (website)

Jurist (stylized in all caps) is a non-profit online legal news service run by law student volunteers from 29 law schools in the US, the UK, the Netherlands, Kenya, Mauritius, India, Australia, and New Zealand. It features continuously updated US and international legal news based on primary source documents and contextualized by informed commentary provided by law professors, policymakers, lawyers and law students. An internet-based example of service learning, Jurist gives its law student staffers ongoing opportunities to broaden their awareness of current legal events and develops their research and writing skills in a 21st-century technological environment while they serve the public as apprentice journalists. The site is owned and operated by Jurist Legal News and Research Services, Inc., a 501(c)(3) educational organization based at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law led by executive director Megan McKee in conjunction with a board of directors chaired by Professor Bernard Hibbitts, who is also Jurist's publisher and editor-in-chief.